Friday, August 24, 2012

Scrapbooking Birthday Party Ideas

In keeping with Heather's birthday party theme ideas, I thought I would share with you some of  my scrap book pages from these birthday parties.  I don't know if I have more fun at the parties, or scrap booking the pictures after the party! When you scrap book and journal your pages you look back and have so many wonderful memories.  I tell my husband that one day these could be my only memories....hopefully that won't be the case...but at any rate they are beautiful pages filled with precious memories.

Here are just a few of the pages I have scrapbooked and journaled.  As you can see, I try to use pictures of the cake and decorations as embellishments for the pages. I also like to do cutouts and take the backgrounds out when possible, so that you actually end up with more detail and your photos are the focal point. Hope these pages will give you some ideas to work on.  Happy Scrapbooking!

Princess Party Theme...I actually used her Tiara as an embellishment on this page.

This was her Tea Party Themed birthday party.

This one is her Madhatter themed Party....Heather made her cake for this one also..

Another Princess Party Theme

Cake Pops and Zebra Stripes Theme....

I made snuggle pillows for the girls to decorate during the party.
They had a blast decorating them with all the goodies we had set out for them.

      Love and Hugs,